MiFID II Solutions

The MiFID II Directive and the MiFIR Regulation were created to harmonize the European financial framework, characterized by the complexity of new instruments and services, in order to allow investment firms to provide services throughout the European Union.

The investment firms affected by the regulation in Financial Instruments Markets must comply with a complex and extensive scenario of obligations.

BME Regulatory Services offers investment firms a single window for contracting all services derived from MiFID II, in addition to be the consultation point for its clients in issues deriving from regulation.

Formed by a team of compliance experts on national and European legislation, BME Regulatory Services presents the following MiFID II services:

  • Approved Publication Arrangement (APA): for the compliance of post-trade obligations for the publication of operations carried out outside the market (OTC).
  • Systematic Internalisers (IS): identification as a Systematic Internaliser and publication of quotes.
  • Approved Reporting Mechanism (ARM): communication of the details of the operations carried out outside the market to the competent authorities.
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